Sensual Lover For Erotic Masturbation Sessions

  • #248-1560459920
  • 06-13-2019
  • 12-31-2024
  • 1-877-279-1639
  • $2.50 per minute
    10 minute minimum
  • Most days early mornings through early evenings. Check my page for daily accuracy.


Hello, I am Marianne. Are you looking for an erotic phone sex conversation with a mature woman who loves stimulating role plays? Perhaps you are looking to relax and unwind with a sensual lover who enjoys mutual masturbation and erotic conversation as much as you do. If so, pour yourself a drink, loosen your tie and grab your phone. I’m here to give you just what you need and make you cum.

I will use my sexy voice and creative imagination as I verbally paint you the perfect vision in your head while we mutually masturbate for our adult play date together. We can start out our conversation with some small talk about your day before we dive into the sexually explicit details of what will bring us to orgasm.

Lie back and relax as I stand before you slowly unbuttoning my blouse; my white lace bra shows off the glow of my tanned skin. I gently let it slide off my shoulders before tossing it on the chair beside you. Glancing over my shoulder watching your gaze as I unzip my skirt and let it slip to the floor moistens my pussy.

I teasingly bend over and pick up my skirt and toss it atop my blouse on the chair before turning around to give you full view of my sexy body wearing a matching bra and panty set. I reach my arms behind me and unhook my bra and slowly slide it off my arms before tossing it too. I begin rubbing my hands slowly over my large breasts, gripping them firmly before pinching my now hardening nipples.

As I am erotically playing with my breasts I watch as you slide your zipper down and release your hardening cock. I kneel before you and begin running my hands up your legs and into your crotch all while staring deeply into your eyes. I can see the hungry desire in your eyes and start slowly undressing you, starting with your pants first. I then unbutton your dress shirt and gently remove it from your chiseled body.

Ever so softly, I glide my long painted nails down your chest and wrap my warm smooth hand around your hardening cock. After giving it a snug tug I begin to slowly stroke it up and down. I look up and gaze into your eyes before licking my smooth plump lips in preparation for your cock. I lean in and take the head of your cock slowly into my mouth, cupping your heavy ball sack with my other hand.

I can feel your cock is twitching and jerking as I take you deeper into my warm, wet mouth. Keeping my eyes locked on yours my mouth slides up and down your shaft. Feeling the sensation of your cock growing harder and bigger in my mouth makes my pussy tingle with pleasure. The look on your face is incredibly sexy as I take more and more of your shaft into my mouth. Your pubic hairs are now tickling my nose as I begin to deep throat you and bob my throat onto the tip of your swollen head.

This is just the appetizer for our very intense erotic phone sex playtime. Not wanting you to cum too soon, I pull my wet hungry mouth off your cock, stand up and slide my soaked panties off and straddle you. My wet pussy brushes against your stiff cock as we begin to kiss deeply. Your hands are firmly squeezing my breasts before you tear yourself away from my mouth to suck my nipples.

Your hot mouth nibbling on my erect nipples feels so good and I can feel my pussy juices dripping on your cock. Your hands reach around my hips and grip my ass as I start to slowly grind my pussy up against your hard cock. The friction of my swollen clit against your hard shaft is just about to send me into orgasmic overdrive…

Mmmm sexy adult playtime like this always leaves a wet spot on my sheets and a smile on my face when it’s all over. There is nothing like two strangers having erotic phone sex like this and having explosive orgasms together over the phone. The anonymity of phone sex in general releases judgment, therefore allowing us to let all our walls down and have uninhibited self gratifying pleasure filled orgasms.

If you like the appetizer of this erotic phone sex fantasy scenario, then I think you should pick up the phone so we can feast on the entrée and dessert too! I have a toy box full of different sized dildos, vibrators, and even have an assortment of anal toys too. I can and will use them on my calls to simulate your cock as we make our way through a fantasy that turns us both on and ultimately leads to intense cum explosions for us both.

If you have never treated yourself to an erotic phone sex encounter with a professional operator before, now is the time to give it a try! Masturbating alone gets the job done, but interacting with a sexy playmate who knows how to give you exactly what you need will create a fire in your loins you’ve never felt before. I’m ready when you are so don’t wait too long, your cock and balls with thank you.