
Accomplice phone sex advertisements brought to you by fantasy girls specializing in role plays that can include but not be limited to rape, forceful sex, torture and even the possiblity of snuff or death. These fantasy sessions are two consenting adult partners acting out sexually extreme scenarios via verbal role over the phone.

Please read each ad thoroughly when choosing your playmate.  Classified ads are submitted by multiple advertisers with different venues.

Kidnapping Accomplice Calls with Rhonda

Listen here all you sick and twisted boys, I’m R...

Auntie Phone Sex With Pedophile Playmate Peggy

Are you looking for a mature woman to play the rol...

Extreme Fantasy Sessions With Twisted Girl

Hello there, I’m Zoee and I would love to be add...

Taboo Accomplice Phone Sex Roleplay with Alexis

It's not easy to find a partner who shares the sam...

Nasty Accomplice For Snuff Fantasy Play

Are you seeking a snuff phone sex fantasy with a s...